Wednesday, March 30, 2011

AutoCAD Quizes

Quiz #1

1. A technical drawing that incorporates more than one view of an object in order to describe all aspects of the object completely is a: MULTIVIEW DRAWING
2. Views that are at right angles to each other are: ORTHOGONAL VIEWS
3. Multiview drawings are created using: ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION
4. In a multiview drawing, the front, right-side, and top views are often called: NORMAIL VIEWS
5. Industries in the United States use: FOURTH-ANGLE PROJECTION
6. When needed for clarity, rounded edges are sometimes represented using: PHANTOM LINES
7. In a multiview drawing, there are: SIX PRINCIPLE VIEWS
8. Adding sizes to the various details of a drawing is: DIMENSIONING
9. Interior features of an object are represented on the views using: HIDDEN LINES
10. The side of an object that shows the most detail is generally selected as the: FRONT VIEW

Quiz #2

1. To create a line in AutoCAD that is infinite in bboth directions, use the: X LINE COMMAND
2. Construction lines in AutoCAD are commonly created using: X LINES
3. In AutoCAD, a ray is a line that extends: INFINITELY IN ONE DIRECTION ONLY
4. In creating a multiview drawing, x lines and rays are used to: ALIGN THE VIEWS
5. The bisect option of the x line command creates an x line that: PASSES THROUGH AN ANGLE VERTEX AND BISECTS THE ANGLE
6. For blocking in views, rays are sometimes preffered over x lines in order to: REDUCE CONFUSION DURING VIEW CONSTRUCTION
7. To create more than one ray consecutively, place the first ray and then: PLACE THE SECOND RAY; THE RAY COMMAND IS STILL ACTIVE
8. If you need to reduce the size of a design for a new part by a third, you can do this easily using the: SCALE COMMAND
9. To increase the size of an object by half, you would enter a factor of: 1.50
10. To create an x line spaced exactly 2.00 from the left side of a rectangular object, you would use the: OFFSET OPTION OF THE XLINE COMMAND

Quiz #3

1. A view that results from taking a slice through the interior of a part to show its interior shape is a: SECTIONAL VIEW
2. Section lining or crosshatching is also known as a: HATCH PATTERN
3. Sectional views are defined or located using a: CUTTING - PLANE LINE
4. When half of the object is cut and removed on a drawing, the result is a: FULL SECTION
5. When one fourth of the object is cut and removed on a drawing, the result is a: HALF SECTION
6. When only a small portion of a view is removed and defined by a thick, irregular line, the result is a: BROKEN SECTION
7. A view generated when none of the features of the component are parellel to any of the principal planes of projection is an: AUXILIARY VIEW
8. A surface that slopes in only one direction relative to the planes of projection results in a: PRIMARY AUXILIARY VIEW
9. A view of an oblique surface projected from a primary auxiliary view is a: SECONDARY AUXILIARY VIEW
10. A view that shows only that portion of a surface that is perpendicular to me auxiliary projection plane is a: PARTIAL AUXILIARY VIEW

Quiz #4

1. The drafting standard ASME y 14.2 defines two basic line thicknesses: Thick and thin. Thick lines are a minimum of: 0.6mm THICK
2. Thin lines are a minimum of: 0.3mm THICK
3. Other than for dimensioning purposes, thin lines are used primarily for hidden lines, centerlines, and: PHANTOM LINES
4. When a drawing becomes confusing due to an excessive number of hidden lines, the generally accepted practice is to: USE ONLY ENOUGH HIDDEN LINES TO CLARIFY DETAILS IN THE DRAWING
5. The alternate position of a rotated part or feature is shown with: PHANTOM LINES
6. The same style of line is used for a cutting - plane and a: VIEWING - PLANE LINE
7. The various types of lines used in both board drawings and CAD drawings are known as: ALPHEBET OF LINES
8. Lines used to mark the center of a symmetrical feature on an axis are: CENTER LINES
9. Lines used to represent the outside edges of objects as well as sharp transitions between two surfaces are: VISIBLE LINES
10. On a sectional view, the cut surface is marked with thin, evenly spaced lines called: SECTION LINING

Quiz #5

1. To display the Layer Properties MAnager, enter the: LAYER COMMAND
3. The Layer Properties Manager allows you to do all of the following except: IMPORT LAYERS FROM OTHER DRAWINGS
5. The arrangement of views in a multiview drawing is known as the drawing: LAYOUT
6. In AutoCAD, model space is the space in whcih: ALMOST ALL DRAWING WORK IS ACCOMPLISHED
7. When you use one of AutoCAD's predefined drawing templates to create a new drawing, all of the following occur except: THE DRAWING LIMITS ARE CHANGED ACCORDING TO PAPER SIZE
8. All of the following are standard scales for mechanical drawings except: 1:3
9. To change the scale of linetypes so that they are visible in the drawing, use the: LTSCALE COMMAND
10. When you place a viewpoint in paper space, AutoCAD automatically sets the drawing scale to: AN ARBITRARY SCALE SO THAT THE DRAWING FITS THE PAPER

Quiz #6

1. A table that can be set up independantly of a drawing file to specify colors, line widths, and other characteristics when a drawing prints is known as a: PLOT STYLE TABLE
2. When the plot to file box is checked on the plot dialog box, AutoCAD plots output to a: PLT FILE
3. When you set the plot scale to scaled to fit, AutoCAD scales the drawing to: AN ARBITRARY SCALE TO FIT ON THE SELECTED PAPER
4.When you pick the display radio button in the plot area section of the plot dialog box, AutoCAD plots the: PORTION OF THE DRAWING THAT IS CURRENTLY VISIBLE ON THE SCREEN
5. If you pick Center the Plot in the Plot OFfset area of the plot dialog box, AutoCAD centers the plot on the: DRAWING SHEET
6. The Plot Device tab of the plot dialog box allows you to do all of the following except: SPECIFY A PLOT SCALE
7. The Shaded Viewport options area of the plot dialog box: IS USED ONLY WITH 3D MODELLING
8. The drawing orientation area of the plot dialog box sets the printing orientation at any of the following except: BACKWARDS
9. The plot options area of the plot dialog box specifies: HOW LINEWIDTHS ARE CONTROLLED
10. Plot styles are created and managed through AutoCAD's: PLOT STYLE MANAGER

Week 8 Journals

Monday - Learned a lesson about drawings and AutoCAD as well as dimensioning. I started completing Chapter 5 quizes online to prepare for our test. Went to an OSAID presentation about drunk driving.
Tuesday - Completed the rest of the quizes online and reviewed with Mr.D for about half hour at the end of class.
Wednesday - Worked on creating a logo for myself. Started by using the pen tool to copy a bridge design.
Thursday - Mr.D reviewed the AutoCAD quizes with the class. Worked on logo again.
Friday - Wrote PART 1 of an AutoCAD test today then completed updating blog and continued working on logo.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Grade 12 Technical Drawing

This technical drawing was alright but some dimensions were missing and some assumptions had to be made.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Week 7 - Journals

Monday - Played Cargo Bridge for most of the class. We then learned the importance of dimensioning on technical drawings.
Tuesday - Worked on grade 12 technical drawing in AutoCad.
Wednesday - Snow day - Appointment
Thursday - Still worked on the grade 12 technical drawing in AutoCad.
Friday - Completed grade 12 technical drawing. Updated blog and journal post.

Week 6 - Journals


Cargo Bridge Game

This is my score that I recieved while playing the game "Cargo Bridge". Here's a link.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

AutoCad Problem 3.3A

Mr.D's AutoCad Problem 3.3A. I used hatching, different line styles, leaders and fillet.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Week 5 - Journals

Monday - Learned about polylines. Worked on AutoCad Problem 3.3a. Almost finished but need to dimension still.
Tuesday - Sketched images projected on board.
Wednesday - Worked on sketching booklet.
Thursday - Completed AutoCad Problem 3.3a. I also published it on my blog and updated blog.
Friday - Absent from school. Had an appointment.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Week 4 - Journals

Monday - Sick from school
Tuesday - Completed bolt activity fix ups and published it to blog. Began the activity that I missed while I was absent yesturday. Mr.D was in Room 128 doing Skills.
Wednesday - Began working on another technical drawing and got stuck on some parts. Haven't completed this drawing yet.
Thursday - Completed an AutoCad test. Went to Mr.D's class to work on Skills Canada.
Friday - Went to Mr.D's class to work on Skills poster.

Bolt Activity