Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Study Problem #17

Journals Week 12

Monday - Easter Monday
Tuesday - Worked on organizing skills Canada stuff. Completed the sectional drawing. Went and spoke to Mr.Penner.
Wednesday - Posted Grade 12 sectional drawing. Spoke to Mr.Penner.
Thursday - Absent: Attended a funeral
Friday - Updated blog. Spoke to Mr.Romono and recieved a permission form for Skills Ontario.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Journals - Week 11

Monday - Presented sectional drawing presentation to grade 11's
Tuesday - Completed grade 12 sectional drawing. Left early to teach a religion class at St.Pius X school with Mrs.Ferraccolio's grade 5-6 class.
Wednesday - Worked on Skills Canada poster. Organized the silhouettes around the globe.
Thursday - Worked on grade 12 drawing. The title is study problem 17, it is a sectional drawing.
Friday - Good Friday

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Journals - Week 10

Monday - Prepared presentation. Took notes on the lesson from Mr.D's moodle under the 3rd post.
Tuesday - Wrote the Euclid Math Contest.
Wednesday - Absent from class, slept in...
Thursday - Worked on slide show presentation and corrected a few things. Began working on college sectional drawing.
Friday - Continued working on college drawing. Didn't quite finish the first drawing yet but I'm making progress. I've asked Arber a few times for help when I got stuck. Monday should go better.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Graphics Communication

¡Engineering drawing is a language used to relate and communicate ideas between professionals and non-professionals if need be.
¡Learning the language of technical graphics allows you to visualize problems more clearly and use graphic images to find solutions with more ease.
¡Importance of Engineering drawing: Visualization, Communication, & Documentation
¡92% of the design process is graphically based.
¡Why is graphics design so important?
¡Try to describe to someone a product in words that will later need to be manufactured or built. It’s harder than with words.
¡Engineers must fulfill two important aspects of design: Aesthetics and Function
¡Design: process of conceiving or inventing ideas & communicating those ideas to others.
¡It requires input from such areas as customer needs, materials, capital, energy, time requirements, & human knowledge/skills
Engineering Design Process
¡It is a linear approach divided into a number of steps. It moves through each step in a sequential manner; if problem comes up, the process may return to previous step (called iteration or looping)
¡It is a nonlinear team approach to design that brings together the input, processes, & output elements necessary to produce a product.
¡The people & processes are brought together at the beginning (not typical in linear)
¡Team made up of: design & production engineers, technicians, marketing & finance personnel, planners, & managers.
¡Three activities that make up the concurrent design process are: Ideation, Refinement, & Implementation.
¡3-D Modeling is extremely important in this type of design process.
Graphics Communication
What you will learn:
¡Visualization: the ability to mentally control visual information
¡Graphics Theory: geometry and projection techniques
¡Standards: sets of rules that govern how parts are made and technical drawings are represented
¡Conventions: commonly accepted practices and methods used for technical drawings
¡Tools: devices used to create engineering drawings and models, including both hand-held and computer tools
¡Applications: the various uses for technical graphics in engineering design, such as mechanical, electrical, and architectural
Technical Drawing Tools:
¡Three basic types of drawings: Freehand sketches, Instrument drawings, & Computer Drawings and models.
¡Most widely used tool is computer-aided design/drafting (CAD). CAD is a computer software and related computer hardware that supplements or replaces traditional hand tools in creating models and technical drawings.
Parts of a CAD System:
¡CPU (hardrive)
¡Input (mouse/keyboard)
¡Output (monitor/printer)
¡Operating System (Windows/Mac)
¡Software (Microstation, AutoCAD)
CAD Software:
Common basic features:
¡Commands to generate geometry
Engineering Design USing Sketching and CAD:
¡Ideas are initially sketched and then more accurate CAD drawings are created
¡A single accurate CAD database can be used to go from ideation to manufacturing and documentation
¡CAD: Computer Aided Design
¡CADD: Computer Aided Design & Drafting
Engineering Drawing
¡An effective means of communicating technical ideas & solutions using a clear and precise language with definite rules and regulations
¡The primary medium for communicating and developing design concepts
¡Conventions are commonly accepted practices, rules, or methods (i.e.. hidden lines, dimension lines…)
¡Most important convention is Alphabet of Lines established by ASME called linestyles
¡Line patterns communicate what the line represents in the drawing
¡Line patterns tell you information such as whether the line is hidden, visible, or a centerline
¡Views should be selected to minimized the use of hidden lines
¡Precedence of lines: Visible à Hidden à Center

Alphebet of Lines:

¡It removes language barrier between technical & non-technical audiences
¡Follows a system of standards
¡Standards ensure that drawings convey the same information to everyone who interprets them
¡Standards organizations like ANSI (American National Standards Institute) & ISO (International Standards Organization) publish standards detailing how drawings should be created so they can be interpreted universally
¡Example: ANSI Y14.5M-1994-Dimensions and Tolerance
¡CAM: Computer Aided Manufacturing
¡CIM: Computer Integrated Manufacturing
¡CAE: Computer Assisted Engineering
¡CAPP: Computer-Aided Process Planning
¡MRP: Material Requirement Planning
¡EDM: Enterprise Document/Data Management
¡CAE: Computer Assisted Engineering
¡Blue Print Reading: Interpreting drawings made by others
¡Finite Element Analysis, 3-D Rendering, Animation, Documentation, Rapid Prototyping software
are available for use with CAD
¡Functions for controlling views
¡Modifiers for changing drawing geometry
¡Annotation Commands for adding text, dimensions, and notes